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:The Declination of entities presence service:

:The 13 statements of Declination:

Time referense: December 31 2024
International English:BLD:Blacks Law Dictionary:Ed1-8. Oxford English Dictionary.
Approved and Released for the public court by Natural Law Court of Justice to be interpreted only by the same.

  • This World Tyranny towards We The People – spirits known as the ”New World Order” Privileged International Government (“PIG”) constituted in 1783 in Venice and its dominion, the NWO is as mentioned above and exemplified here by: UN-United Nations, WEF-World Economic Forum, WHO-World Health Organization, IMF-International Money Foundation, European Union, All International Bank’s, G20, G8, Counsil of 30, CIA, Romeclub, group of Bilderberg , Council of Foreign Affairs, Vatican, all despotive religious systems, NATO, despotive-Crown’s worldwide with all its servants, and all those Countries, Military and Entities interacting with them in a co-operative manner, also notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has refused its assent to Laws, Natural Law, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and life in whole as it is in Creation.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has refused to pass Public good regulating Laws, Resolutions, Conventions, etc., of immediate and pressing importance, and attend to them and other Laws of importance for the matter such as the all present Natural Law. This as a whole has resulted in harm and suffering for men and women, spirits and life in Creation.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has refused its assent to Truth, Free Will, Freedom of thought, writing and speech, the most wholesome and necessary fredom for the public good and life in Creation.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has systematically made the servants of Justice dependent on its will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries to provide a system of direct and indirect corruption in line with the will and intention of the NWO-entity.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has systematically made the servants in media, the voice of data and information, dependent on its will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries to provide a system of direct and indirect corruption in line with the will and intention of the NWO-entity. That NWO-entity will is intentionally turned against truth, free will, freedom of speech and freedom of writing and Natural Law.

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has engaged and supported in Military war activities, intervened in conflicts against the will of We The People, Intentionally provided economy to Military activities and actions against the will of We The People. That NWO-entity will Is intentionally harming, turned against life, healing, peace and harmony in Creation.Privileged International Government (“PIG”) constituted in 1783 in Venice

  • The NWO-entity and its servants, has engaged and supported fictitious money-system’s, and by intimidation and coercion with tools as interest rate, loan, fictitious ID-control through the fictive persona legal system, unlawful contracting and through banking intentionally and fraudulently enslaved men and women in Creation in an economic slave-system.

  • The NWO Entity and its servants have systematically engaged and supported systems, legislation, propaganda, education, drug abuse, hazard and gaming, racism, the gender movement and LGBTQ, and other influencing techniques and tools, to dismantle, destroy, diminish, and annihilate the people's right to peaceful enjoyment of their culture, their traditions, their natural family life, and their children's natural play and learning, and deliberately thereby damaged the natural development of life and prosper of: The Creation - The Nature - We The People.

  • The NWO Entity and its servants have systematically engaged and supported systems that destroy Nature such as, geo-engineering, gen-modification of life, corrupt systems of transportation, degradation of Nature by mining and with farming and foodproduction with poison’s, all done through political, legislative, leading agendas to deliberately harm Creation, The Nature and We The People.

  • The NWO Entity and its servants have systematically engaged and supported systems that make us sick, week and diminished from Nature, using a corrupt health system, providing bad medicine, food- and nutrition-information, providing us with poison’s in water, air, forest’s, food and expose Nature to harmful radiation. And all through leading agendas in, direction to deliberately provide unlawful leading politics and agendas founded by lies and fraud to harm Creation, The Nature and We The People.

  • The NWO Entity and its servants have systematically engaged and supported systems to develop a school with brainwashing agenda’s, false history, self-studying competitive environment leading to stress, suffer and lack of creativity, to traumatize the child’s mindset, diminishing the support and necessity of participation of mother’s and father’s, providing deceptive and dis-care of language followed by censorship all this made through to deliberately provide unlawful leadership, politics and agendas founded in lies and fraud to harm Creation,The Nature and We The People.

  • The NWO Entity and its servants have systematically engaged and supported systems to mislead, prevent and negligate the free will and free thought’s. Its performance is either actively pushing in a bad direction for the Nature, We The People or is completely absent of societal function in critically important functions for development and happiness. Its conduct has been deceptively deviant, passive, interception of mind and communication, mind control, concealing, over-shadowing and obstructive in a manner that has damaged, inhibited and suppressed free will, free thought, free writing and free speech on such subjects as: spirituality, medium-ship, clairvoyance, Out of body experience (OBE), spiritual knowledge, esoteric, Alchemy, Healing, Medicine, Numerology, Tarot, Astrology & Zodiac. All this has lead to the diminishing and lack of natural progress for We The People and our being. All through leading agendas, deliberately and with unlawfully leading politics and agendas founded by lies and fraud to harm Creation, the Nature and We The People.


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