:Declaration – Claim of Sovereignty for all men and women, spirits in Natural Law Jurisdiction.
Time referense: December 31 2024
International English:BLD:Blacks Law Dictionary:Ed1-8. Oxford English Dictionary.
Approved and Released for the public court by Natural Law Court of Justice to be interpreted only by the same.
Article 1-33
Article 1.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature are born free, Sovereign, equal in dignity and rights. As part of Creation we are endowed with reason and conscience to act towards one another and Creation in a spirit of unity, peace, commonality and goodness.
Article 2.
All men and women,spirits endowed by Nature are born free, Sovereign, equal in dignity and rights and endowed with infinite rights and freedom in Creation conditioned that the equal right of anyone else is not restricted in accordance with Natural Law.
Article 3.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature are born free and Sovereign and have the right to a life of dignity, freedom and Sovereignty as beings, which is accompanied by full individual responsibility for the same. The right to life and inviolability Is as soon as life Is present.
Article 4.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature are born free, Sovereign and possess free will. The free will of men and women, spirit is inviolable. No one shall be held in bondage, slavery, misery or any other coercion against the free will and his Sovereignty, which each and all men and women, entities Is right and responsible for to claim.
Article 5.
No life shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading treatment or punishment. All life is inviolable.
Article 6.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature are born free and Sovereign and have the right, wherever they are, to be recognized as a man or woman possessing living spiritual Nature before the infinite non written and everywhere present Natural Law, and only the Law of Nature, handled by a Lawful Jury of living Sovereign men and women according to this constitution and Natural Law.
Article 7.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature are equal before the Natural Law and equal part of the Nature and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the Natural Law. All men and women by Nature are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this constitution of the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 8.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to an effective remedy by the Assembly and its Natural Law Court of Justice for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him or her by this constitution of the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 9.
No man or woman, spirit endowed by Nature shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, coercion, trespassing, violence, harm, detention or exile from the community. Life Is Sovereignty in Nature and Natural Law and shall first be respected according to the Natural Law itself in its infinite unwritten form, and always by the Assembled Jury of Natural Law Jurisdiction according to its constitution.
Article 10.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial Assembled Natural Law Court of Justice, in the determination of his or her rights and obligations, what is true, authentic or love, and create a Lawful verdict of any criminal charge against him or her founded in the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 11.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature, charged with a penal offense is presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in an Assembled Natural Law Court of Justice, at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his righteous defense according to the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 12.
No man or woman, spirit endowed by Nature shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his or her honour and reputation all that can be considered as property or your area of responsibility. Every man and woman, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to the protection of the Law against such interference or attacks and also, possesses his own right of defense in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 13.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature has the right to freedom of movement in Nature-Creation in accordance with Natural Law.
Article 14.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature, are Sovereign by birth and are free to create in the Creation, for which they are fully responsible. The free will of men and women, spirits can never occur coerced, why Source always shall be responsible for what is created and done.
Article 15.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature, have the right of belonging. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his belonging or denied the right to change his being in Creation in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 16.
All men and women, spirits endowed by Nature reaching an age of maturity in a community, have the right to coven promises, engage and to found a family, without limitation. Partnership of individuals shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending induviduals. The foundation of family is a natural and fundamental part of a society and Nature.
Article 17.
The one that create is the one who possess responsibility for what was created. All claims comes with corresponding possessiveness of responsibility.
Nature can not be owned but claimed-possessed and managed by every man and woman, spirit endowed by Nature. No Man or woman, spirit shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property and possession.
Article 18.
All forms of thinking, conscience, comprehending and inner-standing of Creation are peaceable expressions which are of service to life and Creation itself. All men and women, spirit who are endowed by Nature have free will, free speech, free thought, free writing, free creating, for which they are correspondingly fully responsibel for.
Article 19.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information, ideas through any media, regardless of frontiers.
Article 20.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Article 21.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to take part in the government of his or her community, directly or through freely chosen representatives. All men and women, spirit has the right to equal access to the co-operative services in his or her community. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of the society or any other steering body appointed by the people. This will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by vote or by equivalent free voting procedures in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 22.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature have the right to create in Creation and create covenant in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 23.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature have the right to be without any discrimination. All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature have the right to just and favorable covenant generating for him or herself and his or her family an existence worthy of Life dignity and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
Article 24.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature, has the right to rest, leisure, art and inner-being by free will and fully respect in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 25.
All men and women, spirit who is endowed by Nature has the right to strive for a standard of living adequate for the health of himself or herself and of his or her family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, and the right to equal security in the event of sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his or her control.
Therefore, and as a consequence, every individual in society is important in participating, contributing and take responsibility to the reduction and prevention of such insecurity in the lives of other fellow Life beings in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection in society in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 26.
Every man and woman, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to education. Education shall be free, elementary and fundamental. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Further education may be general, interest-oriented and shall be generally available. Higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
Education shall be offered respectfully to the full development of the indivi-dual. It shall promote understanding of the Creation, life and Natural Law.
Parents have the prior right and responsibility, together with the child, to choose the type of education and upbringing their children will receive to enable them to develop and attain their fullest potential in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 27.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the society, to enjoy the arts and share scientific advancement and its benefits.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature has the right to his property interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he or she is the creator to create and express freely in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 28.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature is responsible for ensuring and is entitled to a society in which the rights and freedoms is founded in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form. This constitution is a written form of guidelines to fulfill that.
Article 29.
All men and women, spirit endowed by Nature is essential to the community. Without his-her participation of the free and full development of his-her individuality it can be limited as well as limit the development of the society.
In the exercise of his or her rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by The Natural Law and its society Assembly interpretation of it.
Article 30.
Nothing in this articles 1-33, declarations of Independence - Sovereignty and this Constitution may be interpreted as implying for any State, government body, secret agency, political, religious or military organization, powerful company, group or human being any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Article 31.
Any attempt diminishing the Natural Law to written form, shall be considered as fraud by will and processed in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 32.
Any attempt to harm Nature shall be consider an action to be processed in accordance with the Natural Law Jurisdiction being Natural Law itself in its infinite and unwritten form.
Article 33.
All life is inviolable and is to be revered.
Natural Law