:Declaration – Claim of guidelines for all men and women, spirits in Natural Law Jurisdiction.
Time referense: December 31 2024
International English:BLD:Blacks Law Dictionary:Ed1-8. Oxford English Dictionary.
Approved and Released for the public court by The Natural Court of Justie to be interpreted only by the same.
As all divine immortal spirits possess conscience as a living spirit, it is both illogical and fraudulent to compare such with a corporate person being a mortimanis person, also known as a "dead ghost" devoid of conscience.
No inferior juridic person also being corporate person, also known as a mortimanis or dead ghost" can have superior jurisdiction over living spirit or life itself. Therefor no inferior Roman juridic person may ever have superior jurisdiction over spirit, life itself.mm3.
Any live birth record, such as exemplified within an Roman system which issues a unique label, number for the flesh of a baby may also be taken as proof of the existence, being, of the inferiority of any inferior Roman person as proof of the existence of the flesh is proof of the existence, being, of the divine immortal spirit.
Proof of the existence of a true being entity and true trust is through the issue of a valid live born record- or true claim of the same, as a divine immortal spiritual being into a flesh vessel.
In accordance with Natural Law, The Roman cult also known as the Vatican, also known as the Roman catholic church is an inferior juridic person.
When invoking-claim status as a divine immortal spirit, all labels-entities called: Angels, saints, demons, spirits - divine creator are called and accept the role as witness to the attestation of fact, action, testimony, or evidence in accordance with Natural Law.
The most powerful and valid attestation of a fact, action, testemony or evidence is when one or more instrument issued under the invocation-claim of status as a divine immortal spirit are witnessed by at least 3 other men and women, The same, and such instrument are recorded by some public means as proof of service.
Jurisdiction is the authority, claimed Law and powers of one or more officials to review, administrate and issue certain decrees, prescripts, status or ordinances for a given juridic entity. Jurisdiction most frequently applies to the authority of a Court to hear and adjudicate a matter, particulary in the valid publication of ordinances.
There can be no Jurisdiction without Law - There can be no Law without Jurisdiction - There Is no Jurisdiction without Law - There Is no Law without Jurisdiction.
The word Jurisdiction come from combining two words used in Latin, iuro, mening "to swear, make-an-oath" and, dicio, mening "power, influence, authority of word; to speak to argue". Therefore, Jurisdiction by definition is dependent upon the making of a sacred oath associated with speech or argument first before "some authority or power capable of determining the validity of such speech or argument".
The Natural Law Claim provided by Natural Law Court of Justice provide Jurisdiction.
By definition, any officials who refuses to produce their oaths and be bound by them, have no Jurisdiction.
Natural Law Jurisdiction always rests on truth-authenticity-love, what Is, The All, Natural Law in Creation infinite and limitless.
Authority, power and claimed rights can not be without Jurisdiction.
Only the divine spirits, part of Creation, what Is, The All, Natural Law can possess, apply, interpret, represent the same.
The society of One Haeven, also known as the First See, also known as the Holly See, also known as the True Holy See, also known as Haeven and also mentioned in the covenant Pactum Singularis Caelum, have therefore no Jurisdiction in Creation by this claim of guidelines of Natural Law Jurisdiction.
All divine spirits as part of Creation is the Will-Law-Love in Creation infinite and limitless in eternity. When by free will invoking Natural Law Claim serving as Fiduciary Representative for the Natural Law Jurisdiction.
A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known as a "Fide Commissary Trust" is a fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary Trust, said first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein an estate may be effected for the benefit of a person presumed lost or abandoned at "sea" and therefore "dead" after seven (7) years. Additional presumptions by which such a trust may be formed were added in later statutes to include bunkrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages, and private companies.
The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que Vie Act trust was to form a Temporary estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent, and present before a competent authority. Therefor, any claims,
history, statutes or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a Cestui Que Vie Trust is false and automatically null and void. Cestui Que Vie Trust said to only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted "life" expectancy of the estate.
Since 1933, When a child is born in a state (estate) under Roman inferior law, three (3) Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny the child forever any rights of real property, any rights to be known as man or woman rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their soul and spirit.
All such Cestui Que Vie Trusts and comparable, is fiction and have no Jurisdiction, is fraudulent in its nature and is null and void, nunc pro tunc.16.
Any administrator or executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que Vie Trust, upon a Lawful entity representing Natural Law Jurisdiction establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment according to Natural Law Jurisdiction.
Failure to provide a full accounting of the former estate of a dissolved Cestui Que Vie Trust, including the return of all assets to the Beneficiary constitutes both theft and fraud by the administrators, the executors and master of the same.
Dominium is the term used to describe the highest level of authority within a valid system of Law. The power of Dominium is invested in the Office of origin, Natural Law Jurisdiction and Creation.
Dominium come from the Latin word dominium meaning absolute ownership, mastery.
The Office of origin is the circumscribed living flesh and temple possessed by spirit, The Nature and part of Creation representing Natural Law Jurisdiction. Therefore are all other claimed rights, liens, surety, cestui que vie trust, bonds, other devices or instruments by any inferior trust, corporation, or estate automatically null and void from the beginning, nunc pro tunc.
The Office of origin is normally granted Dominium under the oath: Natural Law Claim, authografed and sealed by 13 spirits in presence.
Spirit Is part in Creation, All, Natural Law, The Limitless and infinite that Is. Therefore spirit Is Natural Law Jurisdiction in its Nature, Is eternal life with no limitation. Therefore declaration and claim of the Live-Life is a valid event and a declaration of It's Sovereignty in Natural Law Jurisdiction with the influence of no other authority-Law-Jurisdiction .
All documents such as contract, declaration of will, property, possession of claim, or evidence of event as well as the property of deeds must be property sealed.
Any Natural Law Court of Justice can provide that service and store one of three origins in its sovereign-service-archive.
The denial of any entity of the validity of a perfekt sealed document sealed by the superior Seal in Natural Law Jurisdiction is tacit.
The superior Seal provide proof of Sovereignty such as the Live-life-claim, Autographs of parts as well as the Office of Natural Law Court of Justice, bopped with fingerprint or equal by all participants and bopped stamp-fee of service.
Every spirit, party in Creation, has unrestricted right, access, claim to the same... Provided that the spirit do not restrict any other party's same right, access, claim
An absurdity is a result or conclusion extremely unreasonable as to be foolish and not to be taken seriously. In reasoning it is the opposite of seriousness.
Reductio ad absurdum, meaning "reduktion to the absurd" is a form of argument in which a proposition is disproved by following its implications logically to an absurd consequence.
All attempts to harm the development and progress of life in creation in its natural state and limitless capacity are fraud and disrespect for Natural Law Jurisdiction.
To limit development of life through taxation, interest, gambling and similar deceptive instruments is absurdity and fraud.
Interpretation is the use of argument, reason, logic, common sence, in according with the foundation of Natural Law such as authenticity, truth, love to deduct the correct meaning of the same. Thus, to interpret the Natural Law is to explain and apply the same as it was originally intended.
The right to counsel is a principle of Natural Law, whereby all who are accused may seek the counsel from a counseler of their choice to assist and advice their case before the Natural Law Court of Justice.
Natural birth of the flesh is proof of spirit in possession of the same, as it can not be without. The child of birth possess inherited sovereign rights without limit to the care of its parents and of Creation.
The damage caused must be described and, of necessity, balanced in accordance with the fundamentals of Natural Law.
Anonymity has no presence. The concept of anonymity has no function in Natural Law Jurisdiction. Thus, the function anonymous is null and void.
Concealment is the deliberate obscuring of one or more attributes of a form by rendering its identifications from view inconspicuous, deceptive, camouflaged or all three. The most common purpose of concealment is secrecy. Consealment or secrecy is fraud in Natural Law Jurisdiction.
A Fiduciary Representative of Natural Law Jurisdiction is an official attribute to a man or women with claimed sovereignity possession and spirit in Creation, appointed through the oath Natural Law Claim, in order to administer and serve justice according to Natural Law.
The one who creates Is Creator, origin, authenticity, possessor of what is created.
What is, Is, regardless of claim, assumption, perception, use, utilization, and shall always be.
What in the present experiences, learns, sees, is conscious, possesses the same experience, learning, seeing, being without limitation.
Free will is the only source of will, as all other will is a limitation of free will.
All dimensions of creation such as time, space, vibration, movement, intention are part of the same without limit in accordance with Natural Law.