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About Us


The Assembly of Natural Law Court of Justice first met on time ref: fourth of December 2022. The Natural Law Court of Justice is a spiritual Assembly of individual capacities that proclaime their sovereignty and independence as spirits in Creation. The ideological foundations of the Assembly are Natural Law and the filosophy of nature from an esoteric holistic perspective.


The purpose of the Natural Law Court of Justice Assembly is to conduct public education and enlightment by questioning Natural Law Jurisdiction.
We see that increased innerstanding of variation in Law and rights in society, such as constitutions and fundamental Laws, human rights, the jurisdiction of religious communities, contract laws and bilateral agreements, treaties provides a democratic development that supports a viable developing society.


The Natural Law Court of Justice has in its constitution the task of applying Natural Law in negotiations, submissions and acts between parties in the Assembly, which leads to innerstanding and exemplification of the application of Natural Law, so-called precedent.
The Natural Law Court of Justice has in its constitution to test and apply Natural Law in substancetiv issues and submissions that concern and affect all or parts of the Assembly’s electoral roll. In this way, by applying Natural Law, precedent is created which generates learning and experience in a development process. In order to inplement and develop capacity the Natural Law Court of Justice shall, in accordance with its constitution, establish necessary functions.


To proceed and because of the ideolocigal foundation and this constitution of Natural Law Jurisdiction there is a statement of distancing The Natural Law Court of Justice from all entities and activities that insuffiently respect the promotion of life, health and the environment.

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